Studio Drummer – The Music Comes First … Always!




I feel I need to be very straightforward here and say flat out that drummers tend to have a problem in general with this concept.  But it is at the very core of being a successful studio drummer. 




Drummers unfortunately spend a great deal of their development as players disconnected from music.  They are concerned with technical issues and prowess.  This is one disadvantage that we have to work to overcome.  The music has to be integral to the drummer.


I highly recommend playing a melodic instrument as well to develop your musicality and sensitivity.  In my case I played brass for 10 years prior to playing drums and also sang and that has been foundational for me.  I was also raised being exposed to many types of music.  I feel that one of the best influences on me was a large exposure to classical music, which gave me a great appreciation for melody and harmony.  There’s almost no musical style that I can’t appreciate in a very real way.


If you want to be a successful studio drummer you need to be listening and emotionally connected to all types and styles of music including music that you may not initially be attracted to.  Look for the good in all music as a general rule. For example if you’re a rock drummer and hate country you’re doing yourself a disservice.  If you are an R&B drummer and you hate blues you are doing yourself a disservice etc.


stay tuned for more on this topic…

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