Studio Drummer – Firstly…


The world of the studio musician is perhaps a mystery to some.  It is a very sequestered environment that has its own skill set and its own unique challenges.


From my years of being a first call session drummer I’d like to bring some light to these challenges and the demands that are placed on a drummer in all the pertinent areas and necessary skills.


Yes it’s a challenging vocation but it has been a tremendously rewarding one for me from a musical standpoint.  I can truly say that the best musical experiences in my life have not been on live stages but in the studio, sometimes shared between numerous people and sometimes only a few.


Equally true is that I’ve had difficult and even terrifying moments in the studio as well. Moments that can cause you to go deeper than you ever thought possible and can challenge you to your very core.  You may play things or play in a way that you never believed you could!


And what’s even better is that the challenges are new and varied every day!

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