Reading Charts



Being able to read music in a drummer’s world, also commonly known as lead sheets or chord charts is a vital part of being a successful and busy studio drummer. 

 This is often a thorny issue for drummers and one that they would like to circumvent but I urge you not to try to maneuver your way around it.

 Instead go through it!

 One of the best descriptions of chart reading is one that is common in the musical community.  And I like it.


That’s right!  Reading is really all about practice.  It doesn’t reside on the same plain or side of the brain as being a player and an artist.  As an artist there is a point where you either have the goods or you don’t.  It IS a talent whereas reading is a skill.

 The more you work at this skill the better and better you’re going to get it. 


 ‘Do you want to hit the base hit or do you want to hit the home run?’

 This is a fundamental question that you have to ask yourself!

 There is nothing worse than walking into a session and sure enough there is someone there handing out charts.  Maybe the charts are fairly involved and are 4 pages long! 

 You realize suddenly that you’ve walked into something that is a mile over your head!   Terror ensues!  You may be capable of playing everything that the instrument requires but since you can’t read you have no idea what is going on.

 Even if you do read there is that moment when you can get a lump in the throat!   I remember playing with Ray Charles on live television.  He flew up just to do a couple of numbers and we’re rehearsing the material in the basement of the theatre just prior to going on TV.  There is that moment when the charts are handed out that can be somewhat nerve racking.  Again you don’t know what you’re getting.  Ray also had a reputation of being pretty rough with sidemen.

to be continued 🙂

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